How to Create a Killer Keynote

If you’ve ever wanted to captivate a room with your words, impel your audience to action, and maybe even get paid to speak, you need a speech that engages. You need to create a Killer Keynote. In the video below, excerpted from a longer workshop, you will learn the steps to create YOUR Killer Keynote. […]

Unmasking Confidence: Lessons from Halloween for Public Speaking

Can you feel it? The crisp air, the leaves crunching underfoot, and the unmistakable sense of mischief and magic that comes with the Halloween season (well, not so much now that I live in Texas, but I was back in Minnesota recently). It’s that time of year when we dig deep into our closets and […]

Fast Track Coaching with ChatGPT

Have you ever wanted to give someone advice? To help them overcome an obstacle or improve? Maybe a friend, maybe a child, maybe a coworker, maybe a client? Or, maybe you want to do a little self-coaching. Today, I will show you how you can save time, and give better advice so that you can […]

Dialing Down the Drama: Managing Emotions

My voice threatened to betray the emotions I was trying to hold back. I felt like I was walking a tightrope, trying to maintain balance between composure and the swell of emotions threatening to break free. My words came out slowly, deliberately, as I tried to maintain control. Every so often, I paused to swallow […]

Steal This: ChatGPT “Perfect” Prompt

Do you want the perfect prompt to get detailed and custom responses back from ChatGPT? I demonstrate the process in the video below by asking ChatGPT to write a new LinkedIn Headline for me. The EXACT wording of the prompt is below the video. Prompt creator for ChatGPT (copy and paste into ChatGPT): I want […]

Master Your Message

(video) Create a compelling message when you first select a topic that hits the sweet spot of Passion, Proficiency & Profitability, Then, analyze your Audience and Start with the End in Mind. What do you want your audience to think, feel or do?

Breaking the Stage Fright Barrier: 10 Techniques

Have you ever experienced stage fright? You know, the butterflies in the stomach, the shaky hands, sweaty palms, and maybe rapid breathing? It’s not fun. This performance anxiety is common in public speaking and other performance-related activities. Many years ago, when my children were teenagers, I experienced performance anxiety when I wanted to encourage them […]

My Facebook Fiasco: Hacked, Disabled, Finally Restored

I’m baaack–After more than 2 weeks of being in Facebook Limbo Land.  It took a complaint to California’s Attorney General to regain my Facebook account. Lessons Learned: What happened: On 4/24 I received an email about a password request. I clicked “this wasn’t me” and stepped away from my computer to make and eat dinner. […]