If you’ve ever wanted to captivate a room with your words, impel your audience to action, and maybe even get paid to speak, you need a speech that engages. You need to create a Killer Keynote.

In the video below, excerpted from a longer workshop, you will learn the steps to create YOUR Killer Keynote. Click HERE for the Killer Keynote Template explained in the video.

Workshop Excerpt (12:08)

Video Highlights

4 Critical Elements to consider:

  1. Audience–their needs, their preferences, their pain points
  2. Benefits–Why should the audience care? What’s in it for them?
  3. Point of View—What is your unique take on the topic?
  4. Desired Action—What do you want your audience to think, feel or do? What is the ONE next step?


  • Mind mapping/clustering
  • Your experience/your stories
  • Ask questions
  • Informational interviews
  • ChatGPT

Killer Keynote Structure (link to template)

  • Be clear on your main idea
  • Open with 3 Ps: Pep, Promise, Path
  • Support your points, including Power Phrases and Stories
  • Conclude with power (don’t end on Q&A)

Isn’t it time you created presentations that get an audience engaged, get you remembered, and maybe even get you paid?

One Response

  1. I love the use of mnemonics here Diane, like the 4 critical elements and the 3 Ps.

    Recently, I posted some tips for working with workshop agendas. Especially when your agenda’s quite long (like for a ½- or full-day workshop), it can be a pain to keep adjusting the timing for each segment to fit into the total session time.

    Luckily, with just a few clicks, you can get Word to add up all the times (in mins) – and then express the total as a number of hours and minutes.

    Here’s how.

    I’m not used to developing whole agendas like this, so would love to know if this might align with your process (or if it seems like overkill, or otherwise off-the-mark).

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