Have you ever wanted to give someone advice?

To help them overcome an obstacle or improve?

Maybe a friend, maybe a child, maybe a coworker, maybe a client? Or, maybe you want to do a little self-coaching.

Today, I will show you how you can save time, and give better advice so that you can make a bigger difference in more people’s lives. And, probably more income for yourself.

Since I’m a communications coach, I’ll use examples from my coaching.

Here are 3 recent client scenarios:

Client #1: Vijay. Vijay is a Vice President of a software company. He wants to improve his ability to answer tough work-related questions for top-level meetings and panel discussions.

Client #2: Elisabetta. Elisabetta lives in Italy and speaks English as a Second Language. She is seeking a director-level position in an international pharmaceutical company. She wants to practice position-specific interview questions.

Client #3: Ivanka. Ivanka is an 11-year-old 6th grader—my youngest client ever—she was 10 when we started working together. Her father wants me to help her with various communication-related topics relevant to her life. We’ve discussed topics such as bullying, overcoming stage fright, and making friends. It’s a new topic every week!

Three very different clients, three very different needs. And I have several other clients.

While I do have some standard coaching programs, clearly one size doesn’t fit all. Personalization is the key to effective coaching.

But who has time to create such personalized coaching plans for each client? Not me. Probably not you.

However, I have a secret weapon. This secret weapon saves me countless hours, allowing me to work with more people, and provide even better coaching. This weapon is . . . ChatGPT!

I consider ChatGPT my coaching efficiency tool. Using ChatGPT I can quickly generate ideas, questions, or topics based on client information.

For ViJay, I copied and pasted his LinkedIn profile into ChatGPT and asked for 10 thought-provoking, work-related questions. He loves the questions!

For Elisabetta, I inputted her resume and the job description to generate job interview questions. I even asked ChatGPT to include a strategy for answering and a sample answer for each question. Elisabetta feels so much more confident!

For Ivanka, I inputted information about her and a specific issue, and ChatGPT gave me complete coaching plans.

The trick to getting good results with ChatGPT is in how you craft a prompt. Crafting an effective prompt for a customized coaching plan requires a combination of understanding your client’s needs and knowing how to communicate those needs to ChatGPT in a way that yields actionable results. Watch the very short video (1:26) below for steps (and an example) to crafting a prompt for a customized coaching plan with ChatGPT.

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