Don’t let your speech be a “one and done” event.  Multiply your efforts with multiple channels of distribution by re-purposing your speeches into blog posts, articles, books and more.

By re-purposing your speech content, you can establish yourself as a subject matter expert, and earn additional income from speeches you’ve already written, or will write.

There’s gold in your own backyard—you just have to dig it out of your speeches.

If you keep copies of your speeches on your computer, as I do, you can just cut, paste and  edit.  If you don’t, start recording your speeches and get them transcribed!

Let me give you my personal example for inspiration:

10/2009 Speech to YouTube video:  started occasionally posting speeches or parts of speeches to YouTube.

11/2009 Speech to blog: Started a WordPress blog, using Toastmaster speeches for initial content.  One speech often could become more than one blog post.

11/2009 Speeches to social media: Started posting blogs on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter (can also tweet snippets of speech).  Eventually, I began using a social media dashboard, Hootsuite, which allowed me to post simultaneously to several social networks.

1/2010:  Speeches to Online PowerPoint: Opened a Slideshare account for sharing PowerPoint presentations online.  My most popular presentation is Easy PowerPoint Principles.  I also made a YouTube video of this presentation.

1/2010-5/2010 Blog to speech: You can do this in reverse, too. I wrote blog posts that became points in public seminars

8/2010-10/2010 Speech to Blog to Book:  75% of my first book, Small Talk Big Results (only 13,000 words) came from my blog.  This book has earned at least $300 a month every month since then (Amazon Createspace and Kindle Direct Publishing).  Some of the content in this book was also used in another book published by McGraw Hill, Perfect Phrases for Icebreakers, published 12/2011.

12/2010 Speech to subscription ebook freebie: Made a newsletter subscription free ebook out of a speech (automatically sent when people signed up–offer on website)

1/2011 Speech to newsletter: started a newsletter which included content originally in speeches/blogs. Latest Newsletter issue.

2/2011 Speech to Ezine articles:  Started occasionally submitting articles to

9/2011 Speeches to Class Content: Turned some of the speeches into handouts for a class. In 2012 this content was re-purposed into my second self-published book, Speech Class for Teens.

2/2012 Speech to Workshop/Workbook.  I’ve held a couple of Storytelling Workshops and Keynote Classes originally based on speeches.

1/2012-9/2012 Speech to Blog to Newsletter to Book (planned):  re-purposed class content into blog posts for my presentation coaching business with the specific plan of turning the weekly blog posts into a weekly newsletter and later that year, my 3rd self-published book, Cat Got Your Tongue?

4/2013 Speech to magazine article.  Revised a chapter from a book (that was originally a speech) which was published in Me, Inc.

I haven’t even done a podcast yet!  Have you re-purposed any of your speeches in a way I haven’t mentioned?  I’d love to hear from you!

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