As seen in FastCompany

Few people appreciate being interrupted. It can be viewed as rude, sending a signal that what they’re saying isn’t important. While talking over people when they are speaking should be avoided, sometimes it’s necessary, says Diane Windingland, owner of Virtual Speech Coach and author of Impromptu Speaking: 10 Strategies to Think on Your Feet Without Tripping Over Your Tongue.

For example, Windingland says you may have something important to say that can’t wait, you may need to gain understanding or clarification, or you could have to correct faulty information on a critical matter. Other reasons include needing to provide timely input, getting a meeting or conversation back on track, or cutting off a long-winded talker.

Click the button above to find out from Diane and others 5 ways to interrupt gracefully, including:

1. Ask for Permission
2. Apologize for the Interruption
3. Determine If the Person is Just Thinking Out Loud
4. Appeal to Inclusion
5. Defer to the Clock

Thank you to Dan Janal with PR Leads for sending me the media lead!

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