When you speak, do you want to put people to sleep?  Do you want people to think you don’t really care about your topic? Do you want people to think you lack energy? Of course not!

Below are 10 Tips to Speak with More Energy (video + list):

10 tips to increase the energy of your speaking voice (2:25)

1. Check your posture (especially if sitting). Slouching will contribute to lower energy. If you can, stand while you speak (try it on a phone call). Allow yourself to gesture. Gesturing will often increase your energy level.

2. Move around (try taking a short walk, stretching or jumping up and down).

3. Yawn a big, satisfying yawn.

4. Smile—it will also improve your mood. Plus people can hear your smile, even if they can’t see it.

5. Have key talking points in front of you. So you can stay on track and probably reduce those pesky ums.

6. Speed talk your points. Speaking slightly faster will often increase the energy of what you say. But remember to pause, and breathe deeply between your points. Vocal power starts in the “belly” not the throat.

7. Strike a PowerPose for a couple of minutes, and consider adding some positive affirmations (You are smart. You have important insight, etc.)

8. Try speaking a little louder. But don’t shout!

9. Speak in a pitch a little higher than usual to brighten your tone.

10. Be enthusiastic and positive, as appropriate. Don’t let your nervousness bring your energy level down.

Bonus tip: rehearse on video and watch it. Try it again, using a few of these tips

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