Digging Up Stories: Every Face Tells a Story!

Almost any presentation, even business presentations, can be enhanced by using personal stories to anchor your points. But, how do you recall and apply those personal stories? One technique is to look at photos, specifically photos of yourself and try to recall where you were at in life and/or the story behind the photo. Often […]

Instant Teleseminar on Business Storytelling

“Get Naked” Business Storytelling for Leaders: For Stronger, Memorable Communication and Presentations On Demand Learning–Learn at your convenience! Download the presentation and materials to learn on your own schedule! (if you want to “attend” at noon on a Wednesday, you can, but you don’t have to!) Would you like your message to be remembered and repeated? […]

Business Storytelling: Dress Up the Naked Truth

When I was a little girl, I had a very active imagination and would often tell “stories.” OK, that’s just a nice way of saying I would lie.  I would lie to get out of trouble.  I would lie to get reactions.  I would lie just to make things interesting. It infuriated my mother. When […]